Halfway through to begining my life...
Yes.. I call this this the point Halfway through to begining my life because I'm in the second half of school and i'm almost done. In about a month or so,I will have my first ever full time job. Some how it does not feel like a job. It feels like a past time.. I love doing and before I know it I'm already through the day. Is this what they mean by loving your job? Anyhow I can't wait to start.
I managed to have a proper conversation with the new student at school. She's from China and is in singapore to learn engresh. She's doing okay at school but she's really helpful. she does all the clean up before any of us can actually start. Oh well.. *shrugs* Anyway it's good for all of us. By the end of the day.. we're all too tired. Anyway there's not much to clean. It's just the disinfecting of every blade used and every surface occupied.. every corner of the room just incase we have illegal immigrants like ticks and flees or what ever. Oh!! and when a cat comes in.. goodness... Cat's fur is more fine than than any dog's normal fur.. so it gets in the most impossible places. oh well... It's a living.. I don't really mind.. cause i got used to living with a cat so grooming a cat is no problem at all.. It's just a few hours.
I'm at my cousin Jazmyn's place cause it's a sort of surprise birth day party for her husband; Jorn. He's hit the 30s but he looks like he's in his 20s. It's a crime I tell you. ;P
I miss using the internet. I feel so handicapped. I need to find out how i can replace my ROM BIOS. If anyone knows. please do contact me. Thank you many many. Greatly appreciated.
Anyhow i have to go now.. can't hog his computer too long. It's his office.. Jorn's like a brother to me.. he's way cool! He likes Dream Theatre So i got him a Dream theatre t-shirt. hehe.. I think he kinda likes it.. hehehe~~ he also likes the CD Daniel choose for him. Will probably ask him to go jamming oneday with the boys.. He'd probably have fun! ;D Who knows...
Till i write again.. Sigh~*

Hi!!! Haiya, I missed you at Jaz's place. We came later only. You must have left already. :( nvm la. Glad to hear about your 'graduation' from school to work. hee hee. take care now!
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