Yes.. The pictures are finally up...
Bintan.... Before we got there... it was raining so heavily... I was thinking my beach vacation will be spoilt... thn when I looked out the window through the rain.. I saw this....

When I got there the weather improoved and everything was fine. =)

From the beach.. here is where I lived for a whole week.

We had our own pool...

And this is what the view is like from where I lived.

Same tree.. just the sunset..

Tiny marine fishes like this one would swim around u near the shore.

This is a Sea cucumber.. chinese people eat this.. I don't see how they can.

Hermit crab... movin house i guess.

The toilet... Sigh.. I like the fishes.. Speaking of fishes....

My dad feeding the fishes in the lobby. He never forgets these fishes.. he claims they bring him good luck when it comes to the lottery.

And this is the view from the lobby.
okay I'm sleepy.. tomorrow I'll change the lay out... Night~*

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