2 years and 5 months today...
I start m new Job tomorrow... Kennel keeper with some grooming involved. I'll be working at the "Clinic for Pets" at Paya Lebar. Very nice people.. I'll be lerning about veterinary tech stuff too.. which means.. EXPOSURE! =D I'm glad I'll be working.. can pay my next bill..will havemoney to go out..willbeable tostart saving.
My brother is in the hospital agin.. sigh.. why can't he take care of himself... and my mom is so stressed out.. every tiny problem is my fault. I wish I was invisible..
Today.. 23rd Aug.. 2 years and 5 months.. glad i got to spend it with Daniel. He's going OBO next year.. 4 months.. won't see him for our 3rd year anniversary. Guess it'll be just another ordinary day.

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