4th Day
Today I stayed home... More talk of my brother getting married.. *StresS* But today.. It was slightly different... We were talking about MY wedding.. *faints* .. It's nerve wrecking... He's not even proposed yet.. from 5 years grace to 4 years. Now I'm left with 2 years to establish myself as much as I can after which Dan and I are getting married. It's finally happening.. I feel sad I have to leave my parents but living with Daniel.. the idea of having to split when we go home is very tempting. My parents approve.. I wonder if his parents would. He IS after all the only one in the family who brings in the baccon. Are they ready for it? What if they can't get along with my parents? What if Dan can't convert? Suddenly all of this happening way tooo fast and is becoming an unplesent experience.
Watched a show on tv today. It was prom night. The atmostphere romantic.. the people; beautiful and the music perfect. Hero walks to heroin, extends his hand and says.. "May I have this dance..?" Heroin replies.. "I thought you'd never ask." He held her close and swayed to the music. She closed her eyes and rested her head on his shoulder. She was safe. I wish that would happen to me. Dan's Romantic yea.. but.. he's not that smooth.. you know.. sweep you off your feet kinda leave u breathless effect.. is missing. =( Still.. I love him the way he is.. unknowing..unsuspecting romantic.. Sigh.. When are you coming home..... .

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