6th Day
Had only one dog today.. a spoilt bratt, mummy's pampered pooch, walking table top.. A Welsh Corgi. After that.. went to Lilian's shop..It was SO PRETTY!!!!!!!!! Everything was in shades of pink!! =D I wish for nothing but good fortune for Lilian. =D
Headed to town after that... It's ali's 21st Birthday tomorrow.. wanted to play mahjong at olivia's place today.. but short 2 people.. sigh.. also I can't stay over night anywhere.. I get home sick.. Sigh.. how to get married.. Speaking of which... It's time to start saving money. Have an interview tomorrow.. at 520 East Coast Road, #01-06, Ocean Park. I have not the slightest idea on how Ii can get there. I spoke to him on the phone.. I just hope he does not think I'm ang moh.. since I was speaking proper english.. he started slang-ing.. ;P Oh well.. it's contageous.
I just realised something...every time there's a public holiday.. I never see Daniel. =( He worked on Easter.. Good friday.. New year.. Last year we were stuck in a cab.. massive traffic jam while on the way to the esplanade to watch the fire works.. we missed it. I've not gotten to watch fireworks with him.. I've watched it with so many other people but not Daniel.. It's not fair... Sigh.. was calculating how much we needed to save to get a house.. I think saving $800 bucks a month each is good enough. My aunt told me that one has to save one third of their pay.. which would be $800 for Daniel.. and if I get abt the same pay as he does.. $800 too... $1600 a month.. multiply that by 24 months would give you $38,400 ... that's enough cash in hand right? Ah well.. once we move in.. monthly we can slowly pay it off too.. cause even if we rent.. we'll be paying abt the same amount per month.. so yea..it comes to the same thing.. might as well just buy the damn thing and keep it as somthing you can keep forever.. like for our kids.. an asset? is that what it's called? Oh well...
I miss Daniel.. so much has happened.. So much I want to tell him.. everytime there's something really important.. I never get around to talking to him when I reall yneed to. I miss having him around.. sigh.. everything is too quiet... a few days left... trying to hang in there... sigh.

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